Monday, October 14, 2013

Joe Thornton just, well saying it like it is...

So I'm sure that by now everyone has seen this goal on Sportscenter or some other media outlet, and I'll give credit to Tomas Hertl for pulling this out to net his 4th goal of the game. It is an absolutely savage goal. Any fan loves when a guy like Hertl can roof one. Especially against the Rangers, but I will admit that the first person I ever saw pull that move was Marek Malik back when he wore red, white and blue.

Hearing a question to Marleau about Hertl and whether he was showboating, Thornton said:
"Shut up, have you ever played the game?"
When the press turned his way, he then added:
"I'd have my cock out if i scored four goals. I'd have my cock out, stroking it."

via the Province ( 

Tell me that Joe Thornton cares what anyone thinks? Because he obviously doesn't. Can't you just see him standing there like Reg Dunlop gettin ready for the shower after the game, just casually telling the media that if he scored 4 goals he'd had have his little joey out and he'd be crankin on it.. I hope we see Thornton score 4 this year, just so we can hold him to this one. The sick part....I think he'd do it.

-El Jefe

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