Friday, October 18, 2013

Outrageous Fun!

My mind has officially been blown more times than Kimmy K has blown a black guy. We have all seen the fantastic video entitled "Outrageous Fun," you know the one, sucking down on farts, everyone was WASTED, the one that your friends quote non-stop because they think it makes them funny to say funny things that were already said. Yea, thats the video I am talking about. To the point of this post, Derek, the Aussie Vegemite that is portrayed in the video is the same squid that runs the child focus groups in the AT&T commercials! Let that one percolate for a second, swish it around your mouth and spit. They cant let him near kids.

                                                            I Get Lucky Everynight

This guy ^ is this guy v

Dont fact check this, just go with it. When Donny Berger comes in using a fake name, YOU GO WITH IT! 

-The BenchKeeper

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