Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thought I hated Jim Irsay. Wrong, i love him

“We’ve changed our model a little bit, because we wanted more than one of these,” Irsay told the paper while flicking up his right hand to show his Super Bowl XLI championship ring.
“(Tom) Brady never had consistent numbers, but he has three of these,” Irsay adds. “Pittsburgh had two, the Giants had two, Baltimore had two and we had one. That leaves you frustrated.
“You make the playoffs 11 times, and you’re out in the first round seven out of 11 times. You love to have the Star Wars numbers from Peyton and Marvin (Harrison) and Reggie (Wayne). Mostly, you love this.” (Shows ring again)
USA TODAY interview

I thought this guy was such a pretentious butthole when he first started talking a few years back, but after hearing him call out Peyton i love it. Everyone was shitting their pants saying its disrespectful, but is it? He literally just said facts, dude wants championships whats wrong with that. The part that made me laugh was calling Peytons numbers "Star Wars numbers" I dont even know what that means but its fucking funny.I fucking hate Peyton Manning and the fact that he can even be in the same class as Tommy Terrific. Peyton is the best regular-season QB ever hands down, but when it comes to the playoffs I'll take Tom Brady any day. Fuck you Peyton, you're a huge pussy SUCK A BUTT!

P.S. BOOM ROASTED, by Jim Irsay and myself


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