Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Am I the only one that can't stand Lily?

I haven't been able to stand Lily in How I Met Your Mother since day 1.  It is easily one of my favorite TV shows, and I've been marathoning it on Netflix since last year, and finally just caught up on everything for this season.  I hated her when she had a flute up her pussy, and I hate her now. Hate may be a strong word, but they could have done a better casting job for her role.  She has a horrible fake cry, and nothing pisses me off more than when she says "son of a bitch" in her shitty little accent.  She brings too much drama to the show and Marshall Ericksen is way too big of a boss to have to deal with her.  Almost as big of a boss as Barney Stinson, who may be one of the greatest characters ever.  For one that's hitting for the other team, Neil Patrick Harris is a genius at slamming box when it comes to this show.  But I digress.  Lily is a bitch and needs to get off Ted Mosby's dick. He's doing the best he can and doesn't need some fire-crotch trying to steal his soul.

P.S. Lily's dad doesn't have a strong hand in the show and it upsets me


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