So the creators of How I Met Your Mother, one of the greatest sitcoms ever, have decided to make a spin off where the mother tells a story to her kids about how she met her father. There will be a whole new cast, with a whole new bar and everything.... Writers need to learn when to throw in the towel. Spin offs are horrible. HIMYM is legen - - wait for it - - dary. Why ruin it by having some stupid show be the exact same thing but from a different perspective. It's the same as the spin off of Better Call Saul from Breaking Bad. Is Vince Gillilan not rich and happy enough with how Breaking Bad ended up that he has to make a show about Saul? It's gonna blow, same with Girl Meets World, Hangover 2 sucked and I'm assuming 3 did too, and Anchorman 2 probably won't be as good as the first one. Move on and go with a different idea you rich bastards.
P.S. If they try to create a new "Barney Stinson" in the spin off, I will be thoroughly upset. Like nothing will piss me off more if there's some slut that has similar punch lines and pick up strategies. If you're gonna do that, just keep How I Met Your Mother going somehow. Like How I Met Your Second Aunt Cause Lily Is A Stupid Bitch and Uncle Marshall Dumped Her Ass.
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