So today I drove to class cause I have one lecture and then work right after. There's a normal two lane road with a bunch of parking spots on one side, so I parked there. As I'm walking back to my car after class, praying that I didn't get a ticket from the power tripping rent a cop, this car is blocking mine. I get closer and figure the girl broke down or something in the middle of the road, but as I get closer to my car, she turns her car on, backs up, and waits for me to leave my spot. This stupid bitch was parked in the middle of the road with her car off waiting for a spot to open up. So whatever, she's stupid, I got over it. Then I'm on my lunch break, I get to a 4 way stop, and the guy to my right is taking a left. I let him go, and then it's my turn. Except this dumb hoe on the right decides to blow the stop sign and pull out right behind the guy that just took a left. But I'm probably in the wrong here.. She's probably a feminist hardo that doesn't have to follow laws made by men. Stupid sloot. There's just idiots all over campus. I can't handle it.
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