Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Greedy Greedy Greedy

Kim Kardashian Keeps 90 Percent Of Proceeds From Philippines Charity Auction

Overheads, people. Overheads
Kim Kardashian, the centre of all evil in the universe, has managed to annoy even her most ardent followers with a new money and fame generation scheme in which she uses a charitable cause to help bulk up her pre-tax profits. Not just any charity either, but one for survivors of a tsunami.
It all started last friday when the reality TV star set up an eBay auction to aid victims of the Philippines disaster, but then realised that they probably don’t need all of the money (come on, how much do fresh water and paracetamol cost anyway?) and so decided to keep around 90 percent of the revenue, supposedly for overheads. Weirdly, while her fans don’t seem to mind most of the awful shit she does, they’ve had to draw the line at this particular caper. Take a look at her blog to see what we mean…

Kimye is at it again. Greedy bitch keeps 90% of profits donated to the Philippines after they just suffered from a fucking tsunami.  Like she wasn't fortunate enough getting famous off  her family, she has to go steal from the less fortunate as they try to rebuild their whole fucking island.  90% ?! I could see maybe 10% to cover expenses, but she should have done it for free. She's fucking loaded and married to another rich, ignorant asshole.  How bout donating 10 million dollars of her own instead of setting up an auction and stealing the proceeds. I don't like to use the C word but she's a cunt.  There's people literally living in the sand of their dead relatives and she steals 90% so her husband can beat up more paparazzi and pay the fines.  Charity is charity, not a chance to make personal profit. Ignorant bitch.

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