Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bullying......Pussies in General

Had to weigh in on the whole "bullying" scene that JP mentioned. I think that if Jonny Martin was in Mrs. Shaw's 4th grade class that JP and I woulda made Richie the kid look like a fucking alter boy. Bullying is necessary, obviously with some limits...But it puts the real world into perspective for kids...toughens the skin...People need that, the world needs that...Its cancels out the "everybody wins" motto that I hate so much... Everybody doesnt win, most people lose...What side are you on? Sick or not i still got box seats at the UNH hockey game tonight....Mogul Status.

-Jefe (bully since '92)

P.S. JP pushed a kid in dog shit in fourth grade.....true story....I seent it

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