Wednesday, November 20, 2013


     I figured I'd get a haircut before I see my whole family for thanksgiving, so I just went about 30 minutes ago to the barber shop on campus. Usually I get this sexy little latina chick that knows her way around a buzzer and some scissors. Today was different. I walked in, got a thug, and got the true barber shop experience.  I wanted a little off the top and a 3 on the sides, and I was gonna trim my beard down a lot when i got back cause i looked like wolverine.  He went a little shorter than i wanted, but whatever. Then he insisted on shaping up my beard, and i was like ya know what, do it.  So he takes the buzzer to it, then the old school barber knives.. Scariest momements of my life.  He blended my beard into my now teardrop sideburns, and hacked the shit out of my face. I'm pretty sure those knives aren't supposed to hurt that much, and you're not supposed to be dripping blood when you leave.  I had my head tilted back while he shaved my neck, i had to fill my cheeks with air while he shaved them.. just some weird shit and an overall sketchy experience.  Not to mention he gave me daps when I left.  I couldn't help but laugh at myself when I got in my car.  I'm still stunned to be honest. Just gonna have to roll with it and make sure I never go back on a Wednesday.  The pic doesn't do the cuts on my face and neck justice, or the sideburns.. But i guess i can cross that off the bucket list.

P.S. my face burned like hell in the shower, and that's also why i dont have a shirt on. im not that big of a hardo


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