Wednesday, November 20, 2013


So last night was easily the greatest episode of the entire series of Sons of Anarchy. I won't go into detail because I don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't yet seen it or that wants to watch from the beginning. I am having an inner moral dilemma after last nights episode. Up until this point I thought that Rescue Me was the greatest show of all time. Comedy, Drama, Trauma, Heartache, Family, Brotherhood, Drinking, Firefighting, just a hands down unreal show. Well last night really blew the lid on Sons. Just like Rescue Me, there was never a dull moment. You always sat on the corner of your seat or paced the room because you never know what would happen next...I didn't see last night coming. I don't think a lot of people did... There are three more episodes left in the season and probably the series... If you have not checked out Sons of Anarchy, SAMCRO is waiting for you.
Riding through this world.....

-El Jefe

P.S. If there were a New Hartford Motorcycle Club with my boys, I'd drop out of school and join tomorrow.

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