Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bron-Bron Gets No Votes for Being Most Clutch vs. Bryant and Jordan

     A poll asking who you would want to take the final shot in a game, Jordan, Bryant, or LeBron, shows that fans have no confidence in LeBron to be clutch.  Jordan received 88% of the votes, and Bryant the other 12%.  However, LeBron is predicted to be a better player than Jordan by the end of his career.  This is a tough matchup.  You have Jordan who is obviously a legend, Bryant who has been my boy ever since he had a 'fro and played with Shaq, and then LeBron--the young monster that would scare the shit out of me if I had to play against him.  The one thing they are all equal at---being cocky with every right to be.
     Earlier this month Jordan said he could beat LeBron in a game of one-on-one, but would lose to Kobe because he stole all of Jordan's moves.  There's definitely a bunch of Jordan's moves that Kobe uses, but Jordan also stole his moves from Dr. J and Jerry West.  And even so, there's only so many moves you can use in the game of basketball, unless your Blake Griffin and can dunk over 3 people like its nothing.  But Jordan has to realize that his time is over, and Kobe is a better shooter, especially from the 3 point line.  Jordan's moves now are pretty common for any good basketball player, Kobe is just better at using them.

P.S. I would love to see a game of 21 with Jordan, LeBron, and Kobe


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