Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mike O'Malley among many at UNH Homecoming 2013

Many of you know him as Jimmy Hughes, everyones favorite brother in law on the classic family sitcom Yes, Dear. But actor and 1988 UNH graduate Mike O'Malley was one of thousands of wildcats who came back to the den for homecoming weekend. He even put out this little video invite with the help of some UNH administrative assistants.

O'Malley kills this video, I mean the dude is just a stand up guy, what else would you expect from a UNH grad? In all seriousness though, Mikey brother, you gotta ditch the fedora, i know you were nominated for an emmy on glee but still, somethings got to give. Also just an fyi, the blonde in the front right is not O'Malley's wife Lisa.  The dude sure can shred the air guitar though, gotta give credit where credit is due.

                                         -El Jefe

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