Monday, October 21, 2013

When it's time, it's time.

I for one have nothing but absolute respect for Jim Leyland, the Tigers Skipper, Hell I'd love to see the guy in a sox uniform, but it looks like he will no longer be in any dugouts after this year. I think Leyland is a class act and he will be in Cooperstown one day. He brought Detroit 2 pennants in the 8 years he was there and will end his 22 year career as a manager with 1,769 wins. I get that he is going to be 69 years old and that "the fuel is starting to get low," but talking about kicking a city when they are down huh? Detroit, potentially the shittiest city in the history of civilization, (I don't know why but I have always just disliked Detroit) which filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy back in July. They also just lost one of the greatest post-season ALCS series since '04. The thing about this series wasn't just that we beat them, but the way we beat them. We let them believe they had a chance and then we crushed their souls. (Game plan that JP and I use quite frequently actually, but i digress.) Jim really kicked Detroit right in the balls on this one #scrotesquad

-El Jefe

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