Tuesday, October 29, 2013

One More Win

Sox need one more win to take the World Series, and I couldn't be more pumped. I want this win so bad, can't take another one of my teams losing in the championship. The Pats got a great win this Sunday but they are a long way off. This win will be huge and I just want them to smash these prissy little faggot cardinals and then like put glue on their face then have Napoli and Gomes shave their nasty beards onto their face... I don't know just spit balling. On a side note is Koji the creepiest/scariest guy on the team?
Dude is a total wild card and I feel like he is just a psychopath. Pretty sure Papi and all the other big ass guys don't even want to fuck with him. But I digress, GO SOX #onewinaway


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