Thursday, October 24, 2013

Top 5 Classic Video Games Growing Up

So ever since I got my Macbook I've been trying to find a version of Backyard Baseball that will work on my laptop.  Turns out they don't make a version that runs on OSX, it only works on older macs, and they only way to get it to work for OSX is to download some sketchy program and pull a bunch of shenanigans.  Needless to say I'm upset and have been deprived of these games ever since my mom "accidentally" threw all of them away when I was a kid because I was addicted.  But anyways, it got me thinking of all the classics we grew up with, before all of these new games came out with ridiculous gameplay and graphics.  Here's my top 5 list:

1) No doubt all of the Backyard Sports games... No matter what game it was, Pablo Sanchez was most definitely your first pick, and probably your clean up hitter.  Dude had swag for days and killed it in any of the games.  And someone tell me how The Benchkeeper made it into this game with the alias Tony Delvecchio.  The hair, the lollipop, and rocking converse.

2) Mario Series... Any of these games could be played for hours on end, specifically Mario Kart and Mario 64.  Whether it was on N64 or GameCube, these games were the shit, and still are.  No one ever wants to be Luigi, and Toad is my boy.

3) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater... from TH2 to Tony Hawk Underground, I would play these games non-stop.  This was the one game I could beat my brother at because I could hold a manual for days and keep that multiplier going.

4) Krash Bandicoot... I don't know what it was about this game, but I probably played it more than any other game for Play Station.  And Crash Team Racing was a knock off of Mario Kart, but just as good as a kid.

5) NASCAR '98-'01... I couldn't tell you how many times my brother, me, and the kid down the street would pull all nighters and play these games.  I don't think we actually ever completed a race, we would just set the maximum number of laps, drive the wrong way, and try to hit as many people as we could before you had to pull in the pit and fix your car.

I'm sure in 2 days this top 5 would be different, but Backyard Sports will always be #1.  They need to start re-making those games that are formatted for newer technology.  And not the new 3D, grown up kid ones, I want the classics exactly how they were.  Backyard Baseball, Football, and Soccer from 2000-2003.  Basketball kinda sucked.


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