Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Salute that should be seen around the world

Here is Josh Hargis, who is an Army Ranger with the 3rd Ranger Battalion. Josh was wounded last week in an attack that left four other members of his team dead. The team was trying to capture a High Value Target, in the Panjwai district of Afhganistan.

Read the full article here

I love this stuff, absolutely love it. It should be on every major news network in our great nation. The letter to Josh's wife really got me, really shows you what a great guy Josh is. What a great move by Josh though, just when everyone thinks your unconscious, that's when you show them what being a U.S. Army Ranger is all about. Not only does he surprise everyone in the room that he is awake, but he fights the doctor to make sure that he salutes his commanding officer. The loyalty that Josh has for his country and his fellow men is truly admirable and its a trait that unfortunately is in short supply. Oh did I mention that he also got a Purple Heart. Josh from everyone here at the Loft we wish you a speedy recovery and God Bless you and all of our men and woman foreign and domestic fighting for our freedom.

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