Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Loft Dictionary 2013

So I realized the other day that I wrote some stuff and some of the other guys did as well that normal people wouldn't understand. We have some unique and interesting words that we use and I thought it would be good to give them some meaning:

Quamf- One who smells seats for pleasure. Example- if I were to stand up from where I'm sitting and someone came and smelled that seat then got a massive erection... That's guys a quamf

Puckahd Raisin- Literally someone's butthole, or when it's cold a mans shriveled nut sack. Can also be a word to call someone a total gayball.
Example- I'd like to see that Puckahd raisin, that guy is such a Puckahd raisin, it's fucking cold... PUCKAHD RAISIN

Chomo- To put it simply, a child molester
Example- Jerry Sandusky, total chomo 

That's all I got right now boys so we will try and keep you updated 


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