Thursday, October 24, 2013

It starts with the coach

I am a strong believer that unless you have a lot of raw talent that, success starts with a good coach. Last we had to deal with Bobby V fucking everything up 7 ways to Sunday. One of the worst August's in Red Sox history was displayed and the playoffs weren't even close. Bobby V was the equivalent to a elementary school recess supervisor. He didn't do SHIT. BUT, the tides have turned and Farrell is in the house. This guy is the absolute definition of a straight shooter. He shows up to win, and he expects his players to follow suit, and last night they did... everybody pitched in, and thats why we won... sure Wainwright is good but, I don't know if you remember we just knocked off a team with Max Scherzer, and Justin Verlander... We can fucking hit...plain and simple. Game 2 tonight lets it get it Lackey, pitch like you did in the ALCS and it's in the bag baby...

-El Jefe

Just in case there was any doubt that this guy is the fucking man.

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